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Group Captain Narendra Kumar Upadhyay

Service No & Branch 12779 F(P) (Orig: GD(P)) Stream :Helicopters
Date of Birth: -- --- ---- Commissioned: 12 Jun 1971 Course: 106 Course
Service End: Retired on 30 Apr 2003 Superannuated Nick Name :
Qualifications Held :
Remarks :
Promotions Gazetted
Fg Offr : 12 Jun 1972Wg Cdr : 11 Mar 1991Gp Capt : 03 Apr 1995
Training and Other Courses Attended
41 DSSC (Sqn Ldr) - 25 Nov 1985
Badges Qualified
Google the Bharat Rakshak Website for : "N K Upadhyay"
Notes:1)Branch is at retirement and may not match with branch at Commission 2)Notional seniority is reflected in dates of substantive rank.

Appointments, Postings & Other Service Particulars

- Wg CdrIndian Air Force ElementSomalia Commanding Officer
- 01 Dec 1989Wg CdrAir Head QuartersDelhi ADPO-1(H)
- Wg CdrCollege of Air WarfareSecunderabad Directing Staff
24 Feb 1992 - 17 Sep 1993Wg CdrNo.117 Helicopter Unit Commanding Officer
- No.117 Helicopter Unit Commodore Commandant
10 May 1997 - 12 Sep 1999Gp Capt42 WingMohanbari Station Commander
01 Sep 1999 - 30 Apr 2003Gp CaptAir Head QuartersDelhi Joint Director (Ops, Helicopters)
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Awards and Decorations

Number of Awards: 2
Yudh Seva Medal
Wg CdrNarendra Kumar Upadhyay12779 F(P)Award Date 26 Jan 1995Announced 26 Jan 1995
Details :

As Commanding Officer of Indian Air Force Element of United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM-II) during 1993-94 Wg Cdr NK Upadhya with his leadership, administrative acumen and professionalism ensured that all his helicopters were hundred percent airworthy at all times. He achieved this by ensuring a very high standard of maintenance in adverse conditions existing in Somalia. The environment is dusty and humid with a very high salt content. There being no proper airfield or hangars, the helicopters are perforce parked in the open. Wing Commander Upadhya evolved cost effective procedures, thereby bringing down the running cost of helicopter operations considerably.

On 15 March 1994, at 1030 h Wing Commander Upadhya was directed to render assistance to an Indian convoy which was under heavy fire from Somali militia near Wanle Wyne. On reaching the area, he could not find any suitable landing site in the proximity of the convoy. He decided to attempt a landing on the narrow dusty road behind the convoy, the area in which the firing was continuing. Displaying utmost dexterity in flying skill, professionalism and courage, he safely landed the helicopter. He was asked to evacuate five critically wounded Somali militiamen. He quickly assimilated and assessed the situation, and directed another helicopter flying in the area to divert to the site. He got air borne and provided fire cover making it safe for the other helicopter to land. Wasting no time, Wing Commander Upadhya landed, took two casualties on board his helicopter and evacuated them in good time to Indian Hospital at Baidoa. For this exemplary courage and leadership, Wing Commander Upadhya has earned a good name for the Indian contingent amongst the contingents of other 32 nations forming UNOSOM-II.

For exceptional bravery and distinguished service of high order rendered with UNOSOMII in Somalia, the President is pleased to award 'Yudh Seva Medal' to Wg Cdr Narendra Kumar Upadhaya.

Unit : UNSOM
Reference : GoI19950126
Vishist Seva Medal
Gp CaptNarendra Kumar Upadhyay12779 F(P)Award Date 26 Jan 2001Announced 26 Jan 2001
Details :

Group Captain Narendra Kumar Upadhya YSM (12779) Flying (Pilot) was commissioned in the IAF on 12 Jun 1971. A graduate of the Defence Services Staff College, the officer has successfully commanded a Helicopter Unit and an Air Force Station. He has led an IAF Peace Keeping contingent to Somalia in 199394 for which he was awarded the 'Yudh Seva Medal'.

He was appointed Joint Director Operations (Helicopters) on 13 Sep 99. The officer's tenure has been marked by meticulous attention to his work requirements. In the post Kargil scenario, the air logistic task of the helicopter fleet in Siachen and Kargil sectors had increased exponentially. By skilful marshalling and optimisation of resources he was instru mental in smooth execution of an all time high tonnage of 8545 tons during 1999-2000, which ensured that our tactical posture in these sectors was not compromised for want of rations, stores and ammunition. He has competitively handled the procurement of a new helicopter variant from inception to the signing of the contract. The officer has also been responsible for initiating several cases like night upgrade of Mi-35s and extreme cold weather clothing, which have led to overall effectiveness of the helicopter fleet. His efforts towards induction of ALH, additional Cheetahs and upgradation of the existing Mi-17 fleet have also been praiseworthy. Through proper planning, initiative and foresight, the officer was able to ensure timely induction of IAF peace keeping contingent to Sierra Leone.

For distinguished service of a high order, the Hon'ble President is pleased to award 'Vishisht Seva Medal' to Group Captain Narendra Kumar Upadhya YSM.

Unit : AHQ
Reference : GoI20010126
The data in the header section of this page comes from the Gazette of India - Click here to see the source
Note: All the data available here is publicly available in the Gazette of India, published by the Indian Government, or from public domain sources, press releases about Awards and Right-To-Information (RTI) Requests. Additionally data shared by veterans is added to the page with permission. No data with respect to serving officers below the rank of AVM is displayed. Information in Gazette of India and Award citations and photographs as released by the Indian Air Force are the only details displayed.

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