Number Name Branch Died in Service? Picture?

Air Vice Marshal Tejinder Pal Singh Chatwal

Service No & Branch 11290 F(P) (Orig: GD(P))
Date of Birth: -- --- ---- Commissioned: 31 Dec 1967 Course: 98 Course
Service End: Retired on 31 Dec 2004 Superannuated Flying Hours : 7000 Nick Name :
Qualifications Held :
Remarks :
Promotions Gazetted
Fg Offr : 31 Dec 1968Wg Cdr : 20 Jul 1986Gp Capt : 01 Jul 1991Air Cmde : 01 Jan 1997
AVM : 26 Dec 2001
Training and Other Courses Attended
29 NDA (Cadet) - 01 Dec 1965
Badges Qualified
Google the Bharat Rakshak Website for : "T P S Chatwal"

Gp Capt

Air Cmde

Notes:1)Branch is at retirement and may not match with branch at Commission 2)Notional seniority is reflected in dates of substantive rank.

Appointments, Postings & Other Service Particulars

01 Jan 1976 - 01 Jan 1977Flt LtFlying Instructors SchoolTambaram Flying Instructor
03 Oct 1977 - 03 Oct 1979Flt LtIraq AFIraq Flying Instructor
01 Jan 1979 - 01 Jan 1981Flt LtFlying Instructors SchoolTambaram Flying Instructor
21 Jan 1985 - 08 Feb 1987Wg CdrNo.112 Helicopter UnitYelahanka Commanding Officer
04 Dec 1989 - 13 May 1992Gp Capt30 WingSarsawa (Saharanpur) Station Commander
15 Jun 1998 - 20 Jan 2000Air Cmde29 WingBamrauli (Allahabad) Air Officer Commanding
06 Feb 2000 - 30 Sep 2001Air CmdeKendriya Sainik BoardDelhi Secretary
01 Oct 2001 - 30 Sep 2003AVMHQ NCCDelhi Additional Director General (A)
01 Oct 2003 - 31 Dec 2004AVMDte:Education, Air HQDelhi Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Education
Incomplete Information? Additions? Corrections? Please download Template File and follow instructions.

Awards and Decorations

Number of Awards: 3
Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)
Sqn LdrTejinder Pal Singh Chatwal11290 F(P)Award Date 17 Feb 1983Announced 26 Jan 1984
Details :

On 17 Feb 83, Squadron Leader TPS Chhatwal was detailed to undertake a Casualty evacuation task for the Boarder Roads Organization. His destination was Udaipur, across the Rohtang pass.

Sqn Ldr Chhatwal on reaching Kulu was informed that the patient was in a critical condition and that he may collapse unless evacuated immediately. At this time the weather was getting cloudy and showed a marked deteriorating trend over the mountains.

He executed the mission with great courage and precision, carefully flying at low altitudes in the face of considerable air turbulence and a continuously lowering cloud base. Driven by compassion and a justified confidence stemming from innate, determination and flying skill, he succeeded in landing at Udaipur and evacuated the patient. During the return flight, the patient lapsed into unconsciousness despite the ministrations by the medical officer on board but was later revived at the hospital.

Sqn Ldr Chhatwal, in successfully accomplishing this mission, displayed courage, skill and determination of a very high order. By his selfless devotion to duty and zeal to undertake a difficult mercy mission in the face of heavy odds, Sqn Ldr Chhatwal saved a valuable life.

For his display of personal courage, selfless devotion to duty and cool professionalism, the President is pleased to award Vayu Sena Medal to Squadron Leader Tejinder Pal Singh Chhatwal.

Unit :
Reference : Gazette of India dated 2nd February 1985 - No.5-Pres/85 dated 26th January 1983
Shaurya Chakra
Sqn LdrTejinder Pal Singh Chatwal11290 F(P)Award Date 25 Jul 1984Announced 26 Jan 1985
Details :

Wing Commander Tajinder Pal Singh Chhatwal was selected to undertake an important task of air maintaining troops at very high altitude. In view of the ever changing scenario of the exercise and great urgency of supplies, Wing Commander T. S. Chhatwal commenced the mission immediately. The precision drops carried out by him speak of his professional competence. Later due to subsequent developments, the camp had to be shifted to a steep slope where the stock of supplies turned out to be very critical. Wing Commander Chhatwal had to fly 5-10 metres above the ground. Undeterred, on 25th July 1984, he continued his mission and in all 17 tons of load was free dropped at the new Camp. In another remarkable feat, Wing Commander Chhatwal flew the helicopter at altitudes higher than 5.7 kms for over an hour, while carrying out the task of filming. He flew 42 sorties in one single day airlifting more than 23 tons of load to the forward posts.

Wing Commander Tajinder Pal Singh Chhatwal thus exhibited professional competence, acumen, courage and devotion to duty of high order.

Unit : 117 HU
Reference : Gazette of India , 16th March 1985 - No.?? - Pres/85 dated 26th January 1985
Ati Vishist Seva Medal
Gp CaptTejinder Pal Singh Chatwal11290 F(P)Award Date 26 Jan 1993Announced 26 Jan 1993
Details :

Group Captain Tajinder Pal Singh Chhatwal was commissioned in the IAF on 31st December, 1967. Till date, he has to his credit over 7000 hrs of accident free flying. He has held the highest CAT/IR on most of the helicopter flown by IAF.

He has commanded a helicopter unit from 1985 to 1987 and has always engaged in active flying till he took over as Station Commander of an Air Force Station in December, 1989. The Station was mainly a helicopter base. The helicopters from this base were engaged in air maintenance, armament and training activities. Besides these tasks, the helicopters from this base were regularly used for urgent life saving casualty evacuation and airfield surveillance tasks in Western Air Command during VVIP visits.

He successfully performed these diverse and difficult tasks which demanded total motivation, committed leadership and dedication to work. He displayed all these qualities in ample measure.

His sense of duty and managerial skills have been of an extremely high order. Thorough initiative, personal example and prudent innovative approach to maintenance practices, he has been able to achievement optimum serviceability of the aircraft.

Group Captain Tajinder Pal Singh Chhatwal SC, VM has, thus, rendered distinguished service of an exceptional order.

Unit :
Reference : GoI19930126
The data in the header section of this page comes from the Gazette of India - Click here to see the source
Note: All the data available here is publicly available in the Gazette of India, published by the Indian Government, or from public domain sources, press releases about Awards and Right-To-Information (RTI) Requests. Additionally data shared by veterans is added to the page with permission. No data with respect to serving officers below the rank of AVM is displayed. Information in Gazette of India and Award citations and photographs as released by the Indian Air Force are the only details displayed.

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