Number Name Branch Died in Service? Picture?

Air Marshal Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya

Service No & Branch 11848 F(P) (Orig: GD(P)) Stream :Fighters
Date of Birth: -- --- ---- Commissioned: 29 Dec 1968 Course: 101 Course
Service End: Retired on 29 Feb 2008 Superannuated Flying Hours : 3000 Nick Name : Doc
Qualifications Held : Instructor Rating: A2
Remarks :
Promotions Gazetted
Fg Offr : 29 Dec 1969Wg Cdr : 30 Nov 1987Gp Capt : 10 Mar 1992Air Cmde : 10 Jul 1997
AVM : 15 Feb 2003Air Marshal : 15 Oct 2004
Training and Other Courses Attended
32 NDA (Cadet) - 01 Jun 196738 DSSC (Sqn Ldr) - 20 Nov 198241 NDC (Air Cmde) - 01 Dec 2001
Badges Qualified
Google the Bharat Rakshak Website for : "A V Vaidya"
Notes:1)Branch is at retirement and may not match with branch at Commission 2)Notional seniority is reflected in dates of substantive rank.

Appointments, Postings & Other Service Particulars

01 Jan 1976 - 01 Jan 1977Flt LtFlying Instructors SchoolTambaram Flying Instructor
03 Oct 1977 - 03 Oct 1979Flt LtIraq AFIraq Flying Instructor
- Wg CdrCollege of Air WarfareSecunderabad Directing Staff
22 Jun 1987 - 18 Jun 1989Wg CdrNo.7 SquadronGwalior Commanding Officer
27 Sep 1994 - 31 Mar 1997Gp Capt12 Forward Base Support UnitNaliya Station Commander
- 31 Mar 2002Air CmdeDte:Air Staff Requirements, Air HQDelhi Director (Air Staff Requirements)
12 Apr 1997 - 30 Jul 1999Air CmdeDte:Air Staff Requirements, Air HQDelhi Director (Air Staff Requirements)
31 May 1999 - 03 Jan 2001Air Cmde2 WingLohegaon (Pune) Air Officer Commanding
- AVM1 Air Defence Control CentreDelhi Air Officer Commanding
15 Oct 2004 - 31 Aug 2005Air MarshalEastern Air CommandShillong Senior Air Staff Officer
05 Sep 2005 - 31 Mar 2006Air MarshalIntegrated Defence StaffNew Delhi Deputy Chief of IDS (Operations)
01 Apr 2006 - 29 Feb 2008Air MarshalIntegrated Defence StaffNew Delhi Deputy Chief of IDS (Policy, Perspective Plans and Force Development)
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Awards and Decorations

Number of Awards: 2
Vayu Sena Medal (Devotion to Duty)
Wg Cdr Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya11848 F(P)Award Date Announced 26 Jan 1990
Details :

Wing Commander Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya commanded a frontline fighter squadron from 22 Jul 87 to 19 Jun 89. He is an A-2 Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI) and has been type examiner on Mirage-2000 aircraft. During his tenure as Squadron Commander, the squadron was put to operational test on two occasions. First in July 87, the squadron was asked to move on short notice to Yelahanka in connection with Srilanka operations. Wg Cdr Vaidya carried out the task successfully by ferrying the aircraft ten of his aircraft in the shortest possible time. On the second occasion, his squadron was directed to move to Trivandrum in battle order on 03 Nov 88 and in a commendable period of under 4 hours, Wg Cdr Vaidya ensured that his squadron aircraft were airborne and the ferry was completed.

He is the first pilot to have fired air-toground weapons from Mirage-2000 which he did most accurately at Pokharan and then at Tilpat during Air Power Demonstration 89.

For his professional and notable contribution to operational preparedness, the President is pleased to award Vayu Seva Medal to Wg Cdr Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya.

Unit : 7 Sqn
Reference : Gazette of India dated 12th May 1990 - No.38-Pres/90 dated 26th January 1990
Param Vishist Seva Medal
Air MarshalAjit Vishwanath Vaidya11848 F(P)Award Date 26 Jan 2008Announced 26 Jan 2008
Details :

Air Marshal Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya VM (11848) F (P) was commissioned in the fighter stream of IAF in Dec 1968.

He has over 3000 hours of accident free fighter flying on various aircraft like the Gnat, MiG-21, Mirage-2000, MiG-29 and the latest SU-30. He is a Qualified Flying Instructor and has been an Air Force Examiner. During 39 years of distinguished service he had held various field and staff appointments. As a Wg Cdr he commanded the Mirage2000 sqn. During his tenure as CO, his sqn participated in Male Operations (Op Cactus) in 1988. He led the first mission which successfully projected the might of IAF over these islands. For his leadership and courage, he was awarded the VM in 1990. As a Gp Capt, he commanded AF Station, Naliya and further went on to command the prestigious AF Station Pune which inducted the initial batches of SU-30 aircraft.

His staff appointments include a tenure in 1985 in Central Air Command where he was instrumental in ensuring smooth induction of Mirage-2000 aircraft in AF Station Gwalior. He had two tenures in Air HQ as Director Air Staff Requirements during which period he systematically worked towards fructifying the induction of various equipment included in the yearly acquisition plans. After doing NDC, he took over as Air Defence (AD) Commander of Western Air Command (WAC) on promotion to the rank of AVM in year 2000. He revised the AD philosophy of WAC and ensured smooth integration of all AD elements. On promotion to the rank of Air Marshal on 18 Oct 04, he took over as SASO, HQ Eastern Air Command. As SASO, he displayed exceptional acumen in upgrading the operational efficiency of all the fighting units of this Command. In Sep 05, he was posted to HQ IDS as Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (Ops). The first important assignment that came his way which he handled successfully was the damage control and assistance to the afflicted during the earthquake in NW India.

In Apr 06, he was sidestepped to PP&FD Branch in HQ IDS where he is presently working. In his present assignment he has shown exceptional expertise and foresight in ensuring jointness, interoperability and commonality in induction of technology and equipment related to all three Services. His contribution in preparation of the 11th Integrated Defence Plan & LTIPP was noteworthy.

During his 39 years, he has displayed professionalism of the highest order and made notable contributions through his proactive approach, hard work and extraordinary positive attitude to the IAF in particular and to the three Services in general. Air Marshal Ajit Vishwanath Vaidya VM has thus rendered distinguished service of the most exceptional order.

Unit :
Reference : GoI20080126
The data in the header section of this page comes from the Gazette of India - Click here to see the source
Note: All the data available here is publicly available in the Gazette of India, published by the Indian Government, or from public domain sources, press releases about Awards and Right-To-Information (RTI) Requests. Additionally data shared by veterans is added to the page with permission. No data with respect to serving officers below the rank of AVM is displayed. Information in Gazette of India and Award citations and photographs as released by the Indian Air Force are the only details displayed.

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