Number Name Branch Died in Service? Picture?

Wing Commander Sanjay Kumar Mittal

Service No & Branch 16773 F(P)
Date of Birth: -- --- ---- Commissioned: 04 Jun 1982 Course: 129 Course
Service End: Retired on 30 Jun 2005 Nick Name :
Qualifications Held :
Remarks :
Promotions Gazetted
Sqn Ldr : 04 Jun 1993Wg Cdr : 17 May 1999
Badges Qualified
Google the Bharat Rakshak Website for : "S K Mittal"
Notes:1)Branch is at retirement and may not match with branch at Commission 2)Notional seniority is reflected in dates of substantive rank.

Appointments, Postings & Other Service Particulars

01 Jan 1998 - 01 Jan 1999Sqn LdrFlying Instructors SchoolTambaram Flying Instructor
17 May 1999 - 17 Jun 2001Wg CdrNo.152 Helicopter UnitSarsawa Commanding Officer
Incomplete Information? Additions? Corrections? Please download Template File and follow instructions.

Awards and Decorations

Number of Awards: 2
Yudh Seva Medal
Flt LtSanjay Kumar Mittal16773 F(P)Award Date 26 Jan 1990Announced 26 Jan 1990
Details :

Flight Lieutenant Sanajy Mittal has been on the posted strength of one of the Helicopter units since 22 Dec 86.

He was first among the few pilots from the unit to join the Indian Peace keeping Force in Oct 87. During the hostilities in Jaffna, the officer flew 21 missions, both day and night. The unit moved to its new location in February and ever since, the officer continuously participated in various operations like troop induction/deinduction, casualty evacuation, logistic support etc, under extremely hostile conditions and unfamiliar terrain. While carrying out operation in areas vulnerable to enemy fire, his professional handling instilled confidence amongst other crew.

For his flying effort, dedication and devotion to duty, the President is pleased to award Yuddh Seva Medal to Flt Lt Sanjay Mittal.

Unit :
Reference : GoI19900126
Vayu Sena Medal (Devotion to Duty)
Sqn LdrSanjay Kumar Mittal16773 F(P)Award Date Announced 26 Jan 1999
Details :

Squadron Leader Sanjay Kumar Mittal, YSM (16773) Flying (Pilot), has been on the posted strength of HTS, AF since 28 April 96. He has been carrying out the duties of Flight Commander, No. 1 Sqn. On 24 October 97, Sqn Leader Sanjay Kumar Mittal, during an instructional Pilot Nav sortie with Pilot officer S. Bagga heard a loud explosive noise from the rear quarter. Immediately thereafter, the helicopter started losing height and cyclic control went into oscillatory to and fro motion. The symptoms presented by the aircraft were a rare occurrence and not commonly experienced in the helicopter fleet. Squadron Leader S Mittal instantly recognised the deteriorating conditions, and with great presence of mind elected to terminate the flight. The control forces being experienced from the oscillatory rotor became prohibitive and turned to churning as the ground was closing in. Sensing the incapability of single pilot control inputs he sought the assistance from the trainee in steering the aircraft away from the obstruction that loomed straight ahead. This timely action saved the crew from possible fatalities. By executing a controlled crash landing he also preserved the valuable evidence so that the cause of the technical defect could be ascertained.

Squadron Leader Mittal displayed situational awareness, alertness and professional competence of a very high order. His timely action averted possible fatalities and preserved valuable evidence.

For his professionalism and devotion to duty the Hon'ble President is pleased to award 'Vayu Sena Medal' to Squadron Leader Sanjay Kumar Mittal.

Unit : HTS
Reference : Gazette of India dated 29th May 1999 - No.91-Pres/99 dated 26th January 1999
The data in the header section of this page comes from the Gazette of India - Click here to see the source
Note: All the data available here is publicly available in the Gazette of India, published by the Indian Government, or from public domain sources, press releases about Awards and Right-To-Information (RTI) Requests. Additionally data shared by veterans is added to the page with permission. No data with respect to serving officers below the rank of AVM is displayed. Information in Gazette of India and Award citations and photographs as released by the Indian Air Force are the only details displayed.

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